Teachers resources
There are a number of different resources available to help deliver both practical and classroom-based road safety education in primary & secondary schools; including our curriculum packs to integrate road safety into everyday school lessons.
Games and Activities
In this section you will find interactive games to help children and families learn about how to use the road safely. Make learning fun, how much road safety information can you remember? Activities suitable for all ages up to 16 years.
Junior Road Safety Officers
Road safety officers can’t always visit schools to give assemblies, arrange competitions or award certificates, so rely on JUNIOR road safety officers to help keep everyone in your school safe on the road. The Junior Road Safety Officer page is dedicated to helping you to be the best JRSO you can.
Children's tips and advice
There is more to road safety than just the green cross code, and at times adults won't be around to keep you away from danger when you are playing outside. This section tells you lots of things about how to keep yourself safe whilst out and about, whether going to school, the park or in an adult's car.
Free stuff for children
The Seatbelt Sheriff wants you to spread his message! Downloadable wallpapers, screensavers and activity sheets.
Using the road
Safe road users start learning about road safety early, usually from 3 years old with parents, carers and in pre school settings. In this section children learn how to spot dangers, understand what is safe and that any activity, on or near the road, requires concentration to keep everyone safe.