

All of the campaigns we run are data-led and focus on specific target groups. Many of the resources used to support these initiatives in schools, workplaces and public areas are available to download. If you think you could get a message out to your colleagues or community about Road Safety, get in touch.

Advanced driving

Driving lessons and tests are not just for new drivers – the skills you can learn from an advanced driving course will allow you to react better to situations, or even avoid them completely. Taking advanced driver training will not only equip you with better driving skills, it may also reduce your insurance premium.

Drivers FAQs

The law changes on a regular basis so it is important that you are in full grasp of the facts. There may have been questions you or your friends have asked while driving; from seatbelts to drink driving limits and consequences. Improve your knowledge and make sure you stay on the right side of the law.

Report hazardous roads

The Speed Review Process is a system in which you can report a road that is causing you concern. It provides a realistic and appropriate response to address the concerns of individuals, local communities and other road users; to reduce road casualties, to improve compliance with speed limits and thus make the roads of North Yorkshire safer.

Safest cars

If you are in the market for a new car, be it brand new or used, its safety rating should be right up there for consideration along with its MPG and colour. Find out the finer details of the car you have in mind and be ready with the facts before your test drive.

Drivers tips & advice

Driving in North Yorkshire presents its own challenges, and sometimes different skills are needed at different times. Find out why driving in summer needs just as much preparation as driving in winter, what you can legally tow depending on when you passed your test and what to carry in your vehicle at all times should you break down.